Business Security
No matter what size our business, we all have some general security protection needs. We need to protect our computers and network from common security threats and ensure we’re positioned to do business as usual if the unthinkable happens.
Every business should have their systems analyzed to ensure they don’t have security or continuity flaws that could cause them to lose vital information or have their business interrupted, even temporarily. Potential flaws aren’t just limited to hackers, identity thieves and security breaches. You also need to consider what might happen in the case of a natural or manmade disaster or even a technology or telecommunications failure (including something as seemingly trivial as one computer in your office dying – could you afford for even one employee to lose all the data they’d been working on for weeks or months?).
An expert RedBaron consultant will analyze your business systems, determine what hardware and software solutions and help your company develop business protocols that will meet your security goals. Then we’ll design and implement a practical, efficient plan to ensure your data (and ultimately, your business) are safe and secure in the event of a failure, emergency or breach.
Virus & Malware Protection & Removal
If even one computer in your company is exposed to a virus, trojan horse, spyware or other malware, every other computer or server in your office could be at risk. The sources of these infections can be websites accessed by employees, incoming emails from customers and vendors, and other sometimes unexpected sources. Additionally, you could be putting your customers and vendors at risk, which could damage your credibility and business relationships. As spamming and phishing scams become more sophisticated, it’s no longer possible to rely on employee common sense and internet savvy to protect you.
We’ll analyze possible vulnerabilities in your systems, install the latest antivirus software, upgrade key software and systems as needed, set up firewalls and teach your employees how to protect themselves. If you believe you’ve already been exposed, we’ll remove it and repair any damage it’s done to your computers or systems.
Data Backup & Disaster Planning Read More
Perhaps one of the most often neglected security concerns is how to access your data after a device failure or disaster. Those who do maintain proper backups often fail to have redundant backup offsite or continue to use mass storage devices for backup without periodically checking to ensure they’re properly working. There’s an increased risk if employees are allowed to take laptops or other storage devices offsite without the proper encryptions and controls. Read More
Identity Theft Protection
Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the United States. If you’re properly shredding your confidential documents and locking doors to the rooms that contain nonpublic personal information, you’ve already taken the first step. But it doesn’t stop there. If you store your customers’ or employees’ nonpublic personal information electronically, you need to protect your computers, network and other devices from more technology-savvy thieves.
We can help you secure that data by locating the areas in need of protection and setting up firewalls, encrypting devices and files, and setting up more complex password and other protocols to ensure you’re protected. Remember, this type of protection isn’t just a best practice. In some cases, it’s required by law (for example, businesses that are covered by HIPAA or the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act).
If you’d like a systems security consultation, contact RedBaron Consulting today!